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EMS Videos

The EMS1 video resource center features original videos, series and video podcasts focused on EMS response, training, clinical analysis, management and more.

What providers need to know about the use of semiglutide drugs for weight loss when it comes to personal health and patient care
True empowerment in EMS comes from leaders who not only set a clear vision but also actively involve their personnel in achieving it
Introducing Mary Meeks, the 2024 Jack Stout Fellow
A background investigator can learn a lot about a person by simply looking at their social media accounts
Assembly Member Rodriguez shares his EMS origin story and role in California’s legislature
EMS Chief Peggy Fonseca was fired due to budget overages and personally responding to calls
Steve Whitehead wants you to consider this one thing before pulling out the plastic tubes
Host Chris Cebollero speaks with Magee about the role of volunteers in EMS and how they can stop the exodus from the field
What providers need to know about the use of semiglutide drugs for weight loss when it comes to personal health and patient care
Hear from Steve Whitehead on why it’s time to destigmatize mental health
Sunny Wescott, lead meteorologist for the Department of Homeland Security’s CISA, identifies community risks
Discover how this automated tourniquet could help stop blood loss in critical situations