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Video: COVID-19 vaccine update for prehospital care providers

EMS physicians explain vaccine testing and administration process during the University of Washington EMS Fellowship Grand Rounds


Photo/UWashEMS, YouTube

By Laura French

SEATTLE – As part of the University of Washington EMS Fellowship (UWashEMS) Grand Rounds Series, Dr. Michael Sayre, Seattle Fire Department medical director, and Dr. Tom Rea, King County (Wash.) EMS medical program director, updated EMTs and paramedics on COVID-19 vaccination.

Audience questions about vaccine development, phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, the limited adverse effects of vaccine administration, and the process for EMS and other healthcare providers to receive the vaccination were answered by Sayre and Rea in the interactive Grand Rounds Zoom call.

Greg Friese, EMS1 editorial director, moderated the discussion organized by the team at UWashEMS including Dr. Catherine Counts, research and quality improvement manager, Seattle Fire Medic One.

“The development of multiple COVID-19 vaccines for a disease that didn’t exist 13 months ago is a testament to the power of science and modern technology,” Counts said. We hope this discussion provides additional information to those signed up to take the vaccine in the coming weeks and reassurance on the vaccines’ safety to those questioning whether or not they should get vaccinated.”

“EMS providers, both for their safety and role in public health advocacy, will better understand the development and testing process of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines after watching the video and listening to the Q&A,” Friese said.

Information in the video is up to date as of December 15, 2020. For more information, visit the UWashEMS website and YouTube channel.