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Tactical ambulance to support Wyoming SWAT team

AMR-Cheyenne put a TEMS unit wrap on an older ambulance for joint responses with the Cheyenne SWAT team


The new wrap on an older ambulance is for TEMS support at SWAT incidents.

AMR-Cheyenne / Facebook

By Greg Friese

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — AMR-Cheyenne unveiled a new tactical ambulance dedicated to the AMR Tactical Emergency Medical Services (TEMS) team.

The AMR-Cheyenne TEMS team, according to a Facebook post, is deployed jointly with the Cheyenne Police Department SWAT team and provides medical treatment to those involved in high-risk police calls.

The vehicle is an older vehicle that received a new wrap, reported Wyoming News Now. Cheyenne-AMR has been planning the vehicle for three years and says that it’s good to have a new vehicle exclusively for different responses.

“We’ve had a team for about 3 years attached to the SWAT team,” Cpt. Derek Hendren, Tactical EMS Coordinator told Wyoming News Now. “The vehicle is something we’ve been working on for about that amount of time and just got it done about a week ago. We’re excited to have it. We do train several times a month so it will be out and about. Doesn’t necessarily mean the SWAT team is out so if you see it don’t be alarmed.”

The AMR TEMS team trains monthly with the Cheyenne Police Department SWAT team.