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New Orleans EMS stops ambulance stolen with crew, patient inside

The EMS crew provided their location, allowing another rig to intercept the ambulance while police apprehended the driver

By Bill Carey

NEW ORLEANS — A woman stole a New Orleans EMS ambulance, driving it with two EMTs and a patient still inside before another EMS vehicle managed to stop her, WVUE reported.

The New Orleans Police Department said on Oct. 29, two EMTs were treating a patient for dizziness in the back of the ambulance at Ozanam Inn when a woman jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off, WVUE reports.

The woman drove the ambulance from Mid-City to the Seventh Ward with the two EMTS and the patient still inside.

The EMTs alerted police to the stolen ambulance’s location. The woman stopped at Agriculture Street, where another EMS vehicle blocked her until police arrived.

EMS personnel removed the woman from the ambulance and police arrested her, WVUE reports.

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