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Fallen FDNY EMT honored with emergency call box

New York Fire Department EMT Yadira Arroyo was killed in 2017 after a man stole her ambulance and ran her down


Photo/FDNY Facebook

Rikki Reyna and John Annese
New York Daily News

Slain FDNY EMT Yadira Arroyo’s memory will live on at a Bronx street corner through a symbol of her dedication to others.

About 300 people gathered Sunday at the corner of White Plains Road and Watson Ave. in Soundview where a plaque honoring her was installed on an emergency call box.

The call box — at the corner where Arroyo was murdered — is painted with blue butterflies and pink lotus flowers — a design created by a fellow paramedic.

Its inscription says: “‘In everlasting memory of Yadira Arroyo.”

“It’s a way of keeping her memory alive and not forgetting that she selflessly sacrificed her life to possibly save many others,” said Arroyo’s aunt, Ali Acevedo.

Arroyo, a 14-year FDNY veteran, was killed on March 16, 2017 when Bronx resident Jose Gonzalez stole her ambulance and ran her down.

Gonzalez’s lawyers have argued for two years that he is mentally ill and not responsible for his actions. But this week, two doctors found him fit for trial, said a spokeswoman for the Bronx DA’s office.

“She will be missed but never forgotten,” said Community Board 9 District Manager Will Rivera, who organized Sunday’s dedication.

“When someone in our community is in need, they can come to this emergency call box, they will press a button and call for help, and Yadira will be looking right over them.”[0]=68.ARDzMkg_vZKfROi5uomwlOt-Dw7B7JUqL3bQ_u_T3PiFvLvvrJo_0URi1lLwCIHdbmq7lnIfBtxySEvsC_TUfLRO_No1O4nz981t7BG1h0ZyaKxydxHyJRjxY8_5uP2Iq2umxthXnWLC0IuQRHlLS5mr65H7HDSfJZ6ctBFEl6eP1DVVqnjt2vH6cb3VmvYm4DREuW2C7Jswpm5IFAdPdTNDWSS4PorLnWjI2iPI793d4EwOjbyUh40wBRV-ETwgDYfW7H3nflz_C8FxGTAKDXgjYRDHwFALIQQfiO0Ynqw42DBmQQlHWdSklnFSTda5s142o8AYV76I-rU0i2uU&__tn__=-R


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