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Survey: Assessing EMS resource capacity amid COVID-19

A team of researchers created a survey designed to understand EMS readiness and competency while confronting the pandemic


All EMS providers, including EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, paramedics and pre-hospital RNs are eligible to take the survey.

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By Rachel Engel

As first responders and healthcare providers struggle to maintain an adequate supply of PPE during the COVID-19 national crisis, a team of researchers is seeking to evaluate the industry’s readiness to respond to the pandemic.

Cody Vaugh Gibson and Dr. George Donald Collier of the Calhoun Community College Biological Sciences Research Group; and Christian Ventura, a researcher at the Center for Mind and Brain Studies at Bard College, are seeking input from EMS providers on their agency’s level of readiness through a short survey.

“This anonymous, online, self-report survey will help us acquire data intended for resource allocation, and to better understand how EMS providers can best be supported during this pandemic,” Gibson wrote in an email to EMS1. “The larger the data set, the greater the impact we can have on our medical first responder communities.”

All EMS providers, including EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, paramedics and pre-hospital RNs, are eligible to take the survey.

To participate, click here: