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Recruitment & Retention

The EMS1 recruitment and retention topic includes research into what drives providers from the profession, tips for finding, recruiting, hiring and onboarding EMS personnel, as well as strategies for protecting provider emotional and physical health and increasing job satisfaction for the long haul

Lee County EMS’s “rescue branch” personnel will provide basic care and transport to help response times
Chicago firefighter leaders said paramedics worked nearly 230,000 overtime hours to staff the city’s 80 ambulances last year, and they are on track to do the same in 2024
Paramedic training is intense and rigorous, but the rewards of serving others can be tremendous
Westport Volunteer EMS President Jaime Bairaktaris got his start in EMS as a high school freshman
The state’s Office of Emergency Medical Services reported an increase in calls and a decline of active members
Morris Hospital’s Camp911 introduced children to careers in fire, EMS, law enforcement and emergency communications
DocGo stood out as one of the top companies to meet employee needs
Lake Crystal Area Ambulance Service Director Rhonda Ingebritson said EMS needs to be recognized as an essential service
Training involves 31 school districts across five counties to prepare students for a career in EMS
Comprehensive program covers fees and prepares students for National Registry and Minnesota certification exams