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NY paramedics take over for food delivery driver injured in crash

Rockland paramedics completed the patient’s delivery run to put him at ease after the crash


Photo/Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps

By Laura French

ROCKLAND, N.Y. — A paramedic crew in New York went the extra mile to help a food delivery driver who was injured on the job.

Paramedics from Rockland Paramedic Services and Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps responded to a vehicle crash on Monday and assessed the injured driver, who said he was concerned about not being able to complete his delivery job, according to a Facebook post by the Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps.

To put the patient’s mind at ease, the Rockland paramedics took the food from the vehicle and delivered it to its destination, “to ensure that the patient could recover without the added stress,” officials said.

“It’s instances like these that demonstrate how your local EMS providers go above and beyond for our patients,” Spring Hill Community Ambulance Corps said in a statement.[0]=AZUNgyPNo5tz_NwI_nV2jjnQ00s2nZVjhrk1BHkuUM_ieN-ehh6UmapcDb04q9gq7qbT7oN5K_CI9zkHBxj32eWcySFwWRJvwi1o2mt-F2cRhl-FQGQ8PNV_FHq2HlBkWWuG3iwwfAVxuQgE8SME8GIq&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R