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First responders double as babysitters on medical call

A Harrisburg Fire Department crew stepped in to watch two boys after it was determined their parents needed to be transported to the hospital


By News Staff

HARRIBSURG, N.C. — A fire department crew doubled as babysitters after responding to a medical call that resulted in a transport to the hospital.

Fox News reported that a Harrisburg Fire Department crew responded to a medical call, where it was determined that a father and mother of two young boys would have to be taken by ambulance to the hospital.

The crew stepped in and babysat the kids while their grandfather drove in from another county, according to a Facebook post from the department.

“We all knew what needed to be done. So we needed to get the family the medical help they needed right away and it just became natural that we were all ready to just take care of the kids until grandma and grandpa were able to get there and take over,” firefighter Lee Dewitt told Fox 46.

While the first responders do not have kids of their own, the good deed is not their first involving children. In September, the same department threw a birthday party for a 3-year-old after his guests canceled.

“It really became a much bigger deal than we expected because it wasn’t something that was a big deal to us,” the firefighters said about the party. “We were just there to take care of Jackson and help him have a good day and everybody in the whole community really appreciated it.”