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Ambulance company transports nursing home resident to voting polls

Heartland Ambulance Service transported Karen Vaughn to the polls after a mix-up with her absentee ballot required her to vote in person

INDIANAPOLIS — A nursing home resident determined to vote was transported by an ambulance service to the polls.

WHNT reported that Karen Vaughn, an Indianapolis resident who has been living at a nursing home in another town, was told she had to vote in person after a mix-up with her absentee ballot.

After taking her to a doctor’s appointment, Heartland Ambulance Service EMS provider Randy Koch agreed to take her to the polls in the ambulance.

“It’s kind of a first for me,” Koch said. “Helping her to get out and do that, it’s kind of a civic duty.”

Vaughn said voting is a “God-given right.”

“Because my life depends on it,” she said. “Everybody’s life depends on it, and I’m not going to let that opportunity go away.”