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Photo of the Week: Pink ambulance hits the streets for breast cancer awareness

AMR Troup County (Ga.) outfitted one of its rigs with pink colors and ribbons to show support

amr troup county pink ambulance potw

Photo/AMR Troup County

Calling all EMS photographers! EMS1 wants to see pictures of you in action or training. Submit a photo — it could be selected as our Photo of the Week! Be sure to include your name, department information and some background on the photo.

This week’s Photo of the Week comes from AMR Troup County (Ga.), showing the agency’s new pink and white rig designed to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Pink ribbons are commonly displayed during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, but AMR Troup County’s pink ambulance will spread support year-round as it hits the road and responds to calls. An AMR Troup County spokesperson said the rig is part of the agency’s wider commitment to raising breast cancer awareness.

amr troup county pink ambulance potw

Photo/AMR Troup County

amr troup county pink ambulance side view potw

Photo/AMR Troup County

amr troup county pink ambulance back view potw

Photo/AMR Troup County