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Ouch-less pediatrics

Drs. Dorsett, Jarvis and Escajeda join the Pediatric EMS Podcast crossover episode to discuss pain management

Safely and effectively managing pain in our pediatric patients is a primary responsibility for our EMS clinicians. Medical directors must be able to identify gaps in pediatric pain management and provide the necessary QA/QI to close those gaps.

In this special cross-post episode of Medic Mindset from the new pediatric podcast from NAEMSP: The Pediatric EMS Podcast, created by Joelle Donofrio-Odmann, DO, FAAP, FACEP, FAEMS; and Joseph Finney, MD; we focus on exactly that.

Drs. Maia Dorsett, Jeff Jarvis and Jeremiah Escajeda join in to offer their knowledge and critical appraisal of the evidence in order to identify and close the gaps in the management of pain in children.


Learn more

10 things you need to know about pediatric analgesia

Make a plan for treating pediatric pain that includes managing unfamiliarity and stress in both the patient and their parents or caregivers

The Medic Mindset podcast is created and hosted by Ginger Locke, BA, NRP. As an associate professor of EMS Professions at Austin (TX) Community College, she has immersed herself in the art and science of how medics think and perform. In interviews with medics and subject-matter experts, she thoughtfully explores the inner-workings of the minds of medics. Prior to becoming a paramedic, she studied social psychology at the University of Georgia and the University of Leicester, UK. Her professional endeavors revolve around the conviction that the most important and complicated tool in EMS in the brain of the medic.