VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Virginia Beach EMS has introduced field ultrasounds, enhancing efficiency during critical incidents like car accidents.
The ultrasound device glides across the patient’s abdomen, allowing medics to view detailed images on a portable tablet, WAVY reported.
“This does save time because if we can identify, for instance, in a trauma patient that they have internal bleeding, that can expedite their care through the emergency department and into surgery if they need it immediately or into the CAT scanner to be able to obtain more precise images,” Virginia Beach EMS Medical Director Dr. Stewart Martin said.
Dr. Martin highlighted that ultrasounds can detect internal bleeding, heart function or a collapsed lung — all from the back of an ambulance.
“A patient with cardiac arrest that we might be treating, we can see if the treatment that we’re doing is effective,” Dr. Martin said. “And if it isn’t, then maybe we need to change what we’re doing to try to get a better response from the patient.”
Virginia Beach EMS currently has only three ultrasounds, with plans to expand the program to assist more patients.