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Thinking about abdominal pain

Dr. JR Pickett examines the difference between a thoracic aortic dissection and an abdominal aortic aneurysm



In this episode of Medic Mindset, White Tiger, Dr. JR Pickett is back! Previously, he has talked to us about syncope and shortness of breath. This time it’s all about abdominal pain.

Dr. Pickett emphasizes patient history and physical exam, and includes a few ultrasound nuggets.

What’s the difference between a thoracic aortic dissection and an abdominal aortic aneurysm? Why is abdominal pain so concerning in geriatric patients? How can you adjust your physical exam techniques to gain the trust of pediatric patients? And why does White Tiger only cry one tear when he has appendicitis?


Listen to next:

Medic Mindset Podcast: Thinking about Syncope

Austin Travis County Deputy Medical Director Jason Pickett identifies syncope differential and the applications for spinal motion restriction and point of care ultrasound

The Medic Mindset podcast is created and hosted by Ginger Locke, BA, NRP. As an associate professor of EMS Professions at Austin (TX) Community College, she has immersed herself in the art and science of how medics think and perform. In interviews with medics and subject-matter experts, she thoughtfully explores the inner-workings of the minds of medics. Prior to becoming a paramedic, she studied social psychology at the University of Georgia and the University of Leicester, UK. Her professional endeavors revolve around the conviction that the most important and complicated tool in EMS in the brain of the medic.