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Ill. FD reaches goal of placing paramedics on fire engines

The Normal Fire Department announced that paramedic-level care is now on all of its front-line fire engines


Normal Fire Department Paramedic Engine 12.

Normal Fire Department/Facebook

By Olivia Jacobs
The Pantagraph

NORMAL, Ill. — The Normal Fire Department announced that paramedic-level emergency medical care is now available from all of its front-line fire engines.

The NFD achieved its multi-year goal to upgrade all front-line apparatus to the paramedic level on Monday when Engine 12 at Station 2, 1300 E. College Ave., went into service as the third paramedic-level engine company in the department.

The front-line engines at headquarters, 606 S. Main St., and Station 3, 1200 E. Raab Road, have operated at the paramedic level for the last two years.

These engines carry the same equipment a paramedic ambulance carries, including a cardiac monitor and defibrillator, airway and intubation equipment, intravenous medications, oxygen and various means of stabilizing and treating patients; the only difference is the ability to transport them.

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