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Equipping paramedics with the training and resources to survive the hazards of the job

DFR provides considerable promise for increased safety, reduced response times and improved de-escalation capabilities for public safety agencies
EMS Products
A short list of gadgets and gear that can have a big impact on how you operate
Products designed to make your job easier that you won’t regret purchasing or upgrading
Understand some terms related to paramedic care should a loved one need an ambulance
Any EMS provider can improve their patient care and assessment by thinking like a remote-area medic
Kate Boyd Dernocoeur contemplates the art and science of prehospital care, and how streetsense enhances the skills learned in EMS training
A busy roadway is hands-down the most dangerous environment where we routinely work
Find the perfect pair of tactical glasses with our expert recommendations, focusing on safety, optical clarity and advanced protection
A pee color chart can help EMTs, paramedics and firefighters know if they are properly hydrated
These products will improve visibility and keep you alert and comfortable
Exploring physical, chemical and alternate restraint considerations in agitated patients
Steve Whitehead shares the red flags that mean you’re moving too fast on scene
Find out how body-worn camera video can boost patient care documentation, provider safety and more
Know the signs of escalation and how to diffuse dangerous encounters