How do you select your next book? Do you take suggestions from Amazon? Scroll through Good Reads? Listen to social media influencers. Wander the aisles at the bookstore?
I do a little of each, but many of my all-time favorite or most impactful books have often been recommendations from a coworker or a supervisor.
For example, at the start of graduate school, my major professor, Dr. John Hendee, assigned all of his students to read ” 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” Thirty years later, I still apply the timeless habits, especially beginning with the end in mind and sharpening the saw, in my work and personal life.
Another all-time favorite book, assigned to me during a leadership training program was “Soar with Your Strengths.” This classic by Donald O. Clifton, past chairman of the Gallup organization, encourages readers to do more of what they do best, rather than dwelling on their weaknesses.
With that in mind, I asked the members of our editorial team, “What’s a book you’d recommend to our public safety audience and why?”
Here are their recommendations:
“Just One Thing,” by Dr. Michael Mosely
Nancy Perry, Director of Content, Law Enforcement and Corrections, recommends “Just One Thing,” by Dr. Michael Mosley.
“This book is not preachy, just simple and practical changes anyone can easily make to improve their well-being,” Perry said.
The book is based on the “Just One Thing” podcast and introduces readers to simple things that can make a big impact on their physical and mental health.
“Rule Number Two: Lessons I learned in a combat hospital,” by Lt. Commander Heidi Craft
“Rule Number Two” is the memoir of Lt. Commander Heidi Kraft’s deployment to Iraq as a clinical psychologist, recommended by Bill Carey, associate editor FireRescue1, EMS1.
“This book gave me a different perspective of modern military combat and opened my eyes up to other parts of deployment for military personnel,” Carey said.
While deployed, Kraft put aside the thoughts of her 15-month-old twins at home to care for soldiers and listen to their traumatic stories.
“Riding the Lightning: A year in the life of a New York City paramedic,” by Anthony Almojera
As we near the fifth anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rachel Engel, senior editor, FireRescue1, EMS1, was drawn to this book by Anthony Almojera, a seasoned New York City paramedic and union leader.
“Riding the Lightning,” tells the stories of New York City’s frontline medical personnel and the communities they serve through challenge, tragedy and perseverance.
“Burnt: A memoir of fighting fire,” by Chief Clare Frank
“Burnt” is the memoir of Clare Frank, who found her calling as a firefighter at age 17 and rose through the ranks to become the CAL FIRE chief of protection.
“This book is a master class in storytelling,” Janelle Foskett, FireRescue1 editor-in-chief, said. “It is a page-turner and I couldn’t put it down,”
“In My DNA: My Career Investigating Your Worst Nightmares,” by Detective Lindsey Wade
Sarah Calams, senior editor, Police1, Corrections1, also recommended a title by a public safety professional.
“In My DNA” is the story of Detective Lindsey Wade, whose career was inspired by the murder of a young girl about her age. Investigating crimes against women and girls motivated Wade’s career and led to her cracking the decades-old cold case murder
“This book is a great inspiration for people who might be on the fence on entering the law enforcement profession,” Calams said. “Wade is an example of someone who has done it and what she’s been able to accomplish.
“Permission to Screw Up: How I learned to lead by doing (almost) everything wrong,” by Kristen Hadeed
Kerri Hatt, editor-in-chief, EMS1, was taken by Kristen Hadeed’s keynote presentation at the Pinnacle EMS Leadership forum and moved “Permission to Screw Up,” to the top of her reading list. In the book and presentations, Hadeed tells her story of starting as an ineffective leader to a sought-after CEO who teaches others to lead.
“Hadeed shares leadership tidbits to empower staff to make decisions, not worry about making mistakes,” Hatt said.
“A Man Called Ove,” by Fredrik Backman
Joanna Putnam, associate editor, Police1, looked at her Good Reads log to recommend “A Man Called Ove,” a story about grief and aging.
“I recommend this book for anyone because it addresses grief in a realistic way and a sweet way,” Putnam said. “It is a perspective changer around death and living.”
“My Side of the Mountain,” by Jean Craighead George
Although Sarah Roebuck, news editor, doesn’t think of herself as a book reader, “My Side of the Mountain,” by Jean Craighead George, has stuck with her since reading it as a young adult.
The book is the story of Sam, an unhappy child in New York City who runs away to the Catskill Mountains and spends a year in the wilderness.
“I like the idea of escaping into the woods and mountains,” Roebuck said. “I like how descriptive it is and it paints a clear picture.”