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Why no MCHD whole blood ... yet

MCHD medical directors discuss whole blood alternatives and implementation considerations


In this episode of the MCHD Paramedic Podcast, join MCHD Medical Directors Dr. Dickson and Dr. Patrick as they discuss the “why” behind no whole blood at MCHD (yet).

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Texas has been the epicenter of the ground-based EMS integration of whole blood programs for hemorrhagic shock in the prehospital setting. The MCHD clinical staff have been watching the evidence closely and feeling the push from our own medics.

In this episode of the MCHD Paramedic Podcast, join MCHD Medical Directors Dr. Dickson and Dr. Patrick as they discuss the “why” behind no whole blood at MCHD (yet).

The decision to incorporate whole blood touches on factors including:

  • Area size
  • Trauma surgery availability and level
  • Blunt versus penetrating trauma ratio
  • System size and transport times

The discussion includes:

  • Research review
  • Large volume crystalloid
  • Plasma vs. saline
  • Minimizing waste
  • The blood shortage
  • Transport times
  • Costs

They also discuss whole blood alternatives, including:

  • TXA
  • Freeze dried plasma
  • Component therapy
  • Calcium
  • Fibrinogen concentrate


Learn more:

Dr. Peter Antevy talks head-up CPR, whole blood use by EMS

In this episode, our co-hosts welcome back Dr. Peter Antevy who offers his thoughts on the direction the industry is heading and the up-and-coming hot topics


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  6. Guyette FX, et al. Prehospital Low Titer Group O Whole Blood Is Feasible And Safe: Results Of A Prospective Randomized Pilot Trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2022 Jan 25.
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  12. Nadler R, et al. The Israel Defense Forces experience with freeze-dried plasma for the resuscitation of traumatized pediatric patients. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Dec;87(6):1315-1320.
  13. Nguyen C, et al. Use of French lyophilized plasma transfusion in severe trauma patients is associated with an early plasma transfusion and early transfusion ratio improvement. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2018 May;84(5):780-785.
  14. Garrigue D, et al. French lyophilized plasma versus fresh frozen plasma for the initial management of trauma-induced coagulopathy: a randomized open-label trial. J Thromb Haemost 2018; 16: 481–9.
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  18. Akbari E, Safari S, Hatamabadi H. The effect of fibrinogen concentrate and fresh frozen plasma on the outcome of patients with acute traumatic coagulopathy: A quasi-experimental study. Am J Emerg Med. 2018 Nov;36(11):1947-1950.
  19. Ziegler B, et al; FIinTIC study group. Efficacy of prehospital administration of fibrinogen concentrate in trauma patients bleeding or presumed to bleed (FIinTIC): A multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised pilot study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2021 Apr 1;38(4):348-357.

The MCHD Paramedic Podcast was launched in early 2018 in an effort to provide easily consumable core-content EMS education and insights from prehospital care thought leaders. The Clinical Services Department of The Montgomery County Hospital District EMS service developed the podcast as a tool to better engage and disseminate continuing education to our MCHD medics as well as first responders and EMS professionals nationwide.

Dr. Casey Patrick is the assistant medical director for Montgomery County Hospital District EMS and is a practicing emergency physician in multiple community emergency departments across Greater Houston. His EMS educational focus is on innovative paramedic teaching via the MCHD Paramedic Podcast. Dr. Patrick’s prehospital clinical research involves the investigation of paramedic use of bolus dose intravenous nitroglycerin for acute pulmonary edema and the implementation of lung protective ventilation strategies for intubated EMS patients. Casey and his wife, Alyssa, work and live in Conroe, Texas, and Spokane, Washington. Together they have five children: Mia, Ainsley, Brock, Dean and Will.

Dr. Dickson graduated with honors from the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio in 2001 and completed emergency medicine training at Indiana University in 2004. He serves as the EMS medical director at Montgomery County Hospital District EMS and an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. His academic interests include systems of care in stroke and other time-sensitive emergencies, neurologic emergencies and education. He is board certified in emergency medicine in both the U.S. and Australasia, and has subspecialty board certification in EMS medicine. He has authored multiple professional articles and presented at regional, national and international conferences on emergency medicine and EMS topics.