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Lexipol Content Development Team

Lexipol’s Content Development staff consists of current and former public safety professionals including lawyers and others who have served as chief, deputy chief, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, officer, deputy, jail manager, PREA auditor, prosecutor, agency counsel, civil litigator, writer, subject matter expert instructor within public safety agencies, as well as college and university adjunct professor. Learn more about Lexipol’s public safety solutions.

Because we know how high the risk is for first responders, we must be diligent in detecting and preventing cardiac disease
When developing a peer support program, public safety agencies must consider the program from all angles and answer key questions
Failure can fuel us to provide the highest level of care to each patient we come in contact with on the job
Personnel feel unrecognized, many do not trust agency leaders and few are willing to recommend their career to others. How can we fix this?
Eliminating the distressing sights and sounds of the job is impossible, but we can better prepare first responders for dealing with emotional scenes