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N.J. mayor bans EMS squad from calls over alleged financial irregularities

The Toms River mayor directed dispatchers to stop sending calls to Silverton EMS due to alleged criminal financial irregularities

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Silverton EMS/Facebook

By Deion Johnson

TOMS RIVER, N.J. — Toms River Mayor Daniel Rodrick put a stop on fire and police dispatchers routing calls to Silverton EMS as he alleges potential criminal financial irregularities within the organization.

“We’ve been advised by legal counsel that financial irregularities associated with Silverton EMS are potentially criminal, and the matter is being referred to the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office,” Rodrick stated in a recent announcement. “Given what we have learned, I had no choice but to take swift action.

“We have hired 17 more EMTs and put several additional ambulances on the road. Police Chief Mitch Little and EMS Supervisor Kevin Monaghan have assured me the recent increase in staff and ambulances will prevent any interruption in Emergency Medical Services. We will update the community as the investigation unfolds.”

The Silverton Emergency Medical Services responded to these allegations in a Facebook post welcoming the investigation – stating Silverton EMS is a non-profit organization and “remains compliant with all IRS reporting, including a complete audit of our books which was conducted last year.”

Former Mayor Thomas Kelaher stated in a 2018 letter that the township was replacing Silverton First Aid Squad with township ambulances after Toms River and Silverton were unable to reach an agreement with the squad to provide services.

“As of now, a change of policy by the leadership of the Silverton First Aid Squad has created a serious problem for the township,” Kelaher stated in the letter. “The money paid to the squads was split evenly with the township in return for the township’s expenditure for costs and operations of the squads such as fuel, maintenance and supplies as well as providing CSO back up when first aid squads are not available.

“This 50/50 agreement is in effect with all of the first aid squads in Toms River, except Silverton.”

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