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Understanding passive, aggressive and assertive people

In a crossover post, Behavioral Psychologist Dr. Denise Dudley joins host Chris Cebollero to discuss corrective feedback for managing different personality types


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EMS graduates can climb the career ladder quickly, arriving in leadership positions with minimal life or professional experience, and even less management training. Supervision is as different from clinical medicine as auto repair is from plumbing. Even a smart, motivated individual will need additional skill sets to succeed in the new role.

In this special coverage series, learn how to equip field supervisors with the skills they need to be effective in their roles.

This is a special edition of the Inside EMS Podcast – enjoy a crossover post from Chris Cebollero’s Ultimate Leadership Podcast with guest Behavioral Psychologist, Dr. Denise Dudley.

In EMS, we are always coming across different personalities both in the office and in the field. These tips that Dr. Dudley shares will share how to understand passive, aggressive and assertive personalities and how to nip communication challenges in the bud. This show really outlines the information needed to interact with these three personalities. This is a must-listen show.

Subscribe to the Ultimate Leadership Podcast at for more.


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The 7 Cs of communication in EMS

Keep these communication fundamentals in mind when trying to get the message across to EMS providers, hospital staff, patients and bystanders

Welcome to The Ultimate Leadership Podcast. Your host is Chris Cebollero. Chris a multi-No. 1 best-selling author, motivational speaker and executive coach. He is cohost of the Inside EMS podcast, and an EMS1 Editorial Advisory Board Member.

Chris has 30 years of leadership experience, and some of those years were not successful. In The Ultimate Leadership Podcast, Chris will tackle successes, challenges, mistakes and failures, while discussing organizational challenges and best practices with his expert guests.

Leadership is difficult and sharing stories, best practices and experience will build community. Subscribe today to The Ultimate Leadership Podcast, and if you are looking for a specific topic, contact