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How you can help first responders in Israel

Emergency services organizations are struggling to meet the escalating needs for medical supplies, equipment and vehicles

By EMS1/FireRescue1 Staff

There have been several Hamas terrorist attacks on southern Israel in recent weeks, including rocket fire from Gaza, killing at least 1,400 and injuring 3,400 others.

There have been profound implications for first responders, who have themselves been targeted as they attempt to treat the wounded.

A number of fire and EMS personnel have been killed in the attacks. reported four firefighter deaths from the Israel Fire and Rescue Services. The Red Cross reported that five members of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) network were killed in the conflict, including four paramedics as ambulances were hit. Additionally, Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s national EMS organization, reported 6 members of the organization have been killed in the attacks, including a 22-year-old paramedic treating victims of the initial strike in a clinic in her town, and a 25-year-old EMT shot and killed in an ambulance on his way to treat the wounded.

The area’s emergency services are straining to respond to the attacks, bolster supplies, and provide community first aid training and evacuee assistance.

With schools closed, Israel’s first responders are balancing caring for their families with caring for their communities, as their own safety is threatened.

As the conflict continues, these responders are working tirelessly under extreme stress, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.

The ongoing conflict has resulted in an urgent need for resources, including medical supplies, equipment and vehicles. First responder organizations are struggling to meet these escalating needs.

How you can help

The recent attacks on Israel have placed an immense burden on first responder organizations and personnel. Your donation can help these responders continue their life-saving work. By standing together with our Israeli counterparts, we can make a meaningful impact and demonstrate our unwavering support for first responders worldwide.

  • Consider donating to organizations that provide essential support to Israeli first responders. Your contributions will make a tangible difference by:

  • Supplying critical equipment: Donations can help ensure that Israeli first responders have access to vital equipment and resources needed to save lives.

  • Mental health support: Your donation can fund mental health services to help first responders cope with the emotional toll of their duties.

  • Training and education: Support programs that enhance the skills and capabilities of first responders, and train their communities in first aid and bleeding control.

Here are some organizations seeking donations to support first responders in Israel:

  • Doctors Without Borders. An independent international organization that provides lifesaving medical humanitarian care across the world. The group is donating medical supplies to hospitals and health facilities in Gaza and treating patients in Palestinian territories. Donate here.

  • International Committee of the Red Cross. A neutral, independent humanitarian organization that responds to help people harmed by armed conflict and disasters in conflict zones. Donate here.

  • Jewish National Fund-USA Israel Resilience Campaign. Includes donations for firefighting and protective equipment to those on the front lines, psychological treatment, emergency housing and more. Donate here.

  • Magen David Adom (MDA). MDA is Israel’s national emergency medical, disaster, ambulance and blood bank service. They accept donations for ambulances, medical supplies and funding for their operational expenses. Donate here.

  • United Hatzalah. United Hatzalah of Israel is a volunteer EMS organization that provides the fastest and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel. They accept donations for ambulances, medical supplies and operational expenses. Donate here.

  • ZAKA. ZAKA is a series of voluntary community emergency response teams in Israel, each operating in accordance with the regulations of the Israeli Ministry of Health’s Emergency Medical Service. They accept donations for equipment and operational expenses. Donate here.

Please verify the credibility of these organizations independently before making a donation. It’s essential to ensure your contribution is used effectively and reaches the intended recipients.

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