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EMTs on the front lines in the fight against human trafficking

EMS responders must first recognize that human trafficking and child sex-trafficking exists in their community and understand that they are on the front lines


By Justin Baumgartner, Faculty Member, American Military University

As an emergency medical responder, chances are you have treated victims of human trafficking and child sex-trafficking. At the time, you may not have recognized it, or, if you did suspect something, you may not have known what to do.

“Each of you is powerful against human trafficking,” said Dr. Ramsey Tate, an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine, during an EMS Today Conference presentation. “It is an uncomfortable and challenging topic and it’s not easy to discuss,” but medical responders can do something about it by educating themselves about what to look for and how to respond.

EMS responders must first recognize that human trafficking and child sex-trafficking exists in their community and understand that they are on the front lines.

Full story: EMTs on the front lines in the fight against human trafficking

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