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Double Date: Kris and Sara Kaull

Paramedic Kris Kaull and his spouse, Sara, join the Medic Mindset Podcast to discuss family relationships in EMS


Paramedic Kris Kaull and his spouse, Sara, join the Medic Mindset Podcast host Ginger Locke and her paramedic girlfriend, Cassi, to discuss family communication.

I don’t have favorite episodes but if I did, this would be one of them. With my girlfriend Cassi by my side, I caught up with Kris and Sara Kaull at a conference. It’s the first ever double-date on Medic Mindset! Cassi and Kris are both paramedics.

Sara and I have the perspective of the significant-other to a paramedic. We swap stories while Cassi and Kris offer ideas about what medics need from their spouses/partners.

This episode is really a gift to the family members of medics. Take a listen and if it resonates with you, consider having your loved-ones listen. Maybe it will spark good conversation about what you need when you get home from shift or how best to connect with you while on shift.

Kris and Sara were absolute gold. During a busy conference, where they were both speakers, they took the time to hide away with us in our hotel room for recording. The conversation was so special to me because conferences can be full of small talk, but this was different: we put away our phones and had a rich meaningful conversation that I hope you enjoy!

Ginger Locke, host of Medic Mindset Podcast


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Asking for what you need

How to communicate with your family after a tragedy or difficult shift

The Medic Mindset podcast is created and hosted by Ginger Locke, BA, NRP. As an associate professor of EMS Professions at Austin (TX) Community College, she has immersed herself in the art and science of how medics think and perform. In interviews with medics and subject-matter experts, she thoughtfully explores the inner-workings of the minds of medics. Prior to becoming a paramedic, she studied social psychology at the University of Georgia and the University of Leicester, UK. Her professional endeavors revolve around the conviction that the most important and complicated tool in EMS in the brain of the medic.