Mic Gunderson has been involved in emergency healthcare for over 40 years in various leadership, managerial and clinical roles. Currently, he is the President of the Center for Systems Improvement. Prior positions include – National Director, Clinical Systems, American Heart Association; Executive Director, Kent County (MI) EMS; President, Integral Performance Solutions; National Director for Quality, Education and Research, Rural/Metro Corporation; Director of Research and Education, Office of the Medical Director, Pinellas County (FL) EMS; and as a Research Associate, Department of Surgery, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, FL. Email him at Mic@ImproveTheSystem.com.
Before taking on the role of CEO at Integral Performance Solutions, Todd Hatley was the Chief Operating Officer of HealthAnalytics. Prior to that, he was an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina. Todd’s formal education includes an Associate degree in EMS, Bachelors degree in Business Administration and dual Masters Degrees in Business Administration and Healthcare Administration.