By Jay Fitch, PhD; and Kerri Hatt
The 2020 EMS Trend Report, produced in collaboration with Fitch & Associates and the National EMS Management Association, and sponsored by Pulsara, continues a 5-year effort to identify how EMS providers, managers and leaders perceive the challenges impacting the sustainability and future of the industry.
[To download your free copy of the “2020 EMS Trend Report,” fill out the form on this page.]
More than 3,000 individuals responded from different types of service models and response areas, representing all levels of the profession, from new responders in their first EMS position, to dedicated medical directors.
Respondents answered key questions facing the profession, including the ongoing concerns about recruitment, retention and burnout. Trends in provider perceptions about clinical practice, as well as fatigue, violence, educational requirements and reimbursement also emerged from the data.
This will be a defining year for EMS, shaped by new care delivery options, legislative mandates and the public spotlight. In this, the fifth annual EMS Trend Report, learn how to harness the changes ahead to improve the health of your organization, strengthen and support your personnel, and to face the challenges of tomorrow.