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Ex-NYC medic, Facebook sued for corpse photos posted on site

Mark Musarella is barred from ever working as a medic

By EMS1 Staff

NEW YORK — The parents of a murdered woman are suing Facebook for refusing to remove photos of their daughter’s strangled body posted by a paramedic.

Paramedic Mark Musarella was one of the first on the scene after Caroline Wimmer was found strangled in her apartment on Staten Island, N.Y., two years ago. She was found by her parents with a hair-dryer cord wrapped around her neck.

Musarella snapped photos of dead woman with his cell phone camera, which he then uploaded to the social site.

He pleaded guilty last year to official misconduct and was fired by the hospital where he worked. Under the terms of his plea deal, he was ordered to complete 200 hours of community service and is barred from ever working as an EMT again.

But now a civil suit has been slapped on him, as well as on Facebook by the parents of Caroline Wimmer, according to various reports.

“Mark Musarella only got 200 hours of community service, and my daughter’s picture is somewhere on the Internet and nobody can get it back to me,” Wimmer said according to the New York Daily News.

A spokesperson from Facebook told WCBS, “We haven’t been served or seen the complaint so we have no comment at this time.”