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Lexipol & Echelon Front partner to provide leadership resources to support First Responders

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Partnership will provide agencies with advanced training and tools to support high performance through leadership and wellness

DALLAS — Lexipol, the leader in policy, training and wellness support for public safety and local government, recently announced a strategic partnership with Echelon Front, the internationally renowned leadership consulting firm founded by former U.S. Navy SEAL officers Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. The partnership will support public safety leadership, wellness and performance through the distribution of custom Echelon Front content in Lexipol’s first responder wellness and learning applications.

Public safety professionals today face dynamic, complex challenges that require high-stakes decision-making and the ability to bounce back from potentially traumatic situations. The Lexipol-Echelon Front partnership will help first responders increase their readiness and resilience by integrating critical leadership principles and resources into their training and wellness programs.

“Partnering with Echelon Front fits perfectly with our strategy of providing public safety professionals with access to the best quality tools and resources to support their overall wellness, leadership and performance,” said Dr. David Black, president of wellness solutions for Lexipol. “Providing this training will positively impact generations of public safety professionals and the communities they serve.”

As an example, Black noted that introducing public safety professionals to Echelon Front leadership principles, including “extreme ownership,” will give them a new lens through which they can more easily focus on what is in their control, detach from what is out of their control, efficiently solve problems and maintain a healthy mindset as they move from call to call.

“The role of a public safety professional may never get easier, but the world-class training and support that we’ll provide through this partnership will help equip them to rise to any challenges the future holds,” said Mandy Nice, Lexipol strategic wellness director.

“Lexipol and Echelon Front are united in our mission to help all public safety agencies create a culture of best-in-class leadership and wellness support that serves as a platform for peak performance, quality of life and longevity,” said Echelon Front CEO Jocko Willink.

Learn more about Lexipol’s Cordico wellness solution and Echelon Front.

About Lexipol

Lexipol empowers first responders and public servants to best meet the needs of their residents safely and responsibly. We are the experts in policy, training and wellness support, committed to improving the quality of life for all community members. Our solutions include state-specific policies, online learning, behavioral health resources, grant RE assistance, and news and information offered through the websites Police1, FireRescue1, EMS1, Corrections1 and Gov1. Lexipol serves more than 2 million public safety professionals in over 10,000 agencies and municipalities. For additional information, visit

About Echelon Front

Echelon Front’s mission is to educate, train, mentor, and inspire people and organizations to solve problems through leadership, overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and create a culture of Extreme Ownership that empowers leaders up and down the chain of command to lead and business and in life. We strive to help leaders develop the core actions and mindsets necessary to tackle issues, including strategic alignment, team building, conflict resolution, planning and execution, innovation, safety and risk mitigation, crisis management strategies, and cultural transformation. All of your problems are leadership problems, and EXTREME OWNERSHIP is the solution. Leadership is a skill that can and must be taught and developed. Everyone at every level of your organization is a leader who must utilize these principles to build relationships, leverage resources, take ownership of problems, and implement solutions in order to win. We customize our services and training to your specific needs through long-range leadership courses, single or multi-day workshops, experiential training programs, speaking, strategic advising, and our web-based training platform.