In the largest pandemic of our lifetime, learn how clinical leaders in Colorado Springs (CO) are using mobile technology to not only manage the COVID-19 crisis, but also lay the foundation for the new reality of EMS, including 911-initiated telemedicine, mobile integrated healthcare, community paramedicine and telehealth. For the first time ever, the presenters will outline their modernized management system and share case studies and key takeaways that will help you improve patient care, upgrade team communication, reduce cost of care, and increase EMS agency and hospital revenue. Clinicians and thought leaders are creating a new path forward, based around the HIPAA-compliant, secure, mobile-first telehealth communication platform Pulsara. Presented by Dr. Matthew Angelidis, Board Certified Emergency Physician for UCHealth at Memorial Central, and James McLaughlin, Director of Community Paramedicine at Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, this webinar provides tangible takeaways you can apply to your own organization, your region or even your state. During this webinar you will learn how to: --Take 911 responses and perform billable telehealth encounters in lieu of transport to the hospital—reducing disease exposure and spread, while maintaining revenue for EMS agencies and hospitals. --Integrate with ET3 billing and collections, as well as hospital discharge planning. --Expand 911/PSAP-tiered response and become the value-added option in point-of-care services. --Protect your care teams from disease exposure and the risk of transmission by utilizing next-gen telehealth technology. Through clinical case scenarios, learn about the risks and shortcomings of old strategies and the benefits of modern ones. --Understand the value of enabling flexible and dynamic communications from the simple, routine patient consultation, to the complex and multilayered COVID-19 pandemic. To learn more about how Pulsara can support your EMS organization, go to