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Why EMS providers should be able to calculate MAP

Our co-hosts discuss the importance of calculating Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) and how to do it properly

In this episode of Inside EM, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss Grayson’s article on how to calculate Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP).

The conversation covers the importance of choosing the right stethoscope, knowing how to use it and how to develop the skills to recognize heart and lung sounds. The pair also discuss MAP, why it’s important in EMS and how to determine if someone has central hypovolemia.

MAP is the measurement that explains the average blood pressure in a person’s blood vessels during a single cardiac cycle. Mean arterial pressure is significant because it measures the pressure necessary for adequate perfusion of the organs of the body.

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This article was originally posted March 08, 2019. It has been updated.

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs