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Tackling sepsis: How to diagnose, treat and manage it

Our co-hosts sit down with award-winning speaker and author Rommie Duckworth, who explains how to diagnose, treat and manage septic patients


This episode of Inside EMS is sponsored by Pulsara. Learn more about how you can build a regional system of care for free by clicking here.

In this episode, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson take on the topic of sepsis. They are joined by award-winning speaker and author Rommie Duckworth who shares his experience working with the Sepsis Alliance.

Duckworth provides his expertise to describe sepsis, as well as explains how to assess a patient with suspected sepsis and shares the ABC’s of the condition.

Sepsis affects 1.7 million people a year, and over 270,000 people die every year secondary to this condition. Are you prepared to diagnosis, treat and manage a patient with sepsis? Join the discussion and add your comments.

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DKA and sepsis capnography applications

In this episode, our co-hosts welcome Medtronic's Holly Stewart, who explains the history of capnography and offers insight into its use for DKA and sepsis monitoring

This episode was originally posted April 26, 2019. It has been updated.

The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs