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On-demand webinar: 2022 ESO EMS index: Insights and best practices for EMS agencies

Data collected on evidence-based measures informs this discussion meant to inspire further quality improvement by pairing specific metrics with practical recommendations

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Whether you’re just starting a quality improvement program or you’re an expert in putting improvement science into practice, this is a discussion you won’t want to miss. The ESO EMS Index provides a look at national performance from more than 2,000 EMS systems on evidence-based measures. In its fifth installment, the ESO EMS Index takes a more comprehensive look at EMS data by introducing insights related to equity in prehospital care for each measure where appropriate. In doing so, we hope to continue discussions that further quality improvement while inspiring additional conversations about what it means to deliver equitable healthcare to the communities we serve.

During this webinar, Remle Crowe, PhD, NREMT, Antonio Fernandez, PhD, NRP, and Brent Myers, MD, MPH will discuss their findings in the 2022 ESO EMS Index. Beyond the data collected from nearly 9.9 million calls in 2021, they will pair each metric with a recommendation for EMS agencies and fire departments looking to improve their performance and service.

We will discuss the marked increase in out-of-hospital death notifications and overdose deaths associated with the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the proportion of patients who receive ketamine that have a weight recorded in the EMS record. Additionally, we will discuss:

  • Stroke assessment performance
  • 12-Lead EKG for patients with ED-diagnosed STEMI/NSTEMI
  • Transports without lights and sirens
  • Non-transport dispositions


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L - R: Remle Crowe, Antonio Fernandez, Brent Myers, Scott Dorsey

Dr. Remle Crowe, PhD, NREMT, is an expert in using data to power quality improvement and research initiatives in EMS. From truck clutches to clinical care, she has shown how improvement in science and sound research methodology work to solve problems across fields. As an EMT with a passion for advancing EMS, she earned her PhD in epidemiology and has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications. Now, as a research scientist at ESO, Dr. Crowe routinely uses data to improve community health and safety.

Dr. Antonio Fernandez, PhD, NRP, is a research scientist at ESO. He has been a nationally certified paramedic for over 15 years. In 2010, Dr. Fernandez completed the NREMT EMS Research Fellowship and earned his doctorate in Epidemiology at The Ohio State University. Before he came to ESO, Dr. Fernandez worked on state repository EMS research as Research Director for the EMS Performance Improvement Center at UNC-Chapel Hill.

Brent Myers, MD, MPH, FACEP, FAEMS, is an internationally recognized EMS expert, particularly related to systems of care, performance improvement and population management. In his role at ESO, he is responsible for fostering a culture of medical rigor and practical application in developing ESO software and services, leading the research and performance initiative, and applying medical expertise and scientific rigor to support customers. He served as co-editor of the second edition of “Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight.” He serves on the editorial board of numerous peer-reviewed journals, has several peer-reviewed publications, and has provided lectures in locations around the world.

Scott Dorsey is a recently retired Deputy Fire Chief from Snohomish County, WA. where he oversaw EMS for his organization. Now at ESO, he supports the Customer Experience team as the Manager of Mission Fulfillment. Scott works closely with the research team to integrate research data with Customer Experience. This partnership assists agencies in practical application of insights gained from the research team. Scott has his master’s in healthcare informatics from Grand Canyon University.