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NREMT to introduce new type of exam question in fall

Multiple response items differ from multiple choice items, as there may be more than one correct answer for a single question

Multiple response items are exam questions that have more than one correct solution.

By Laura French

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) will be introducing a new type of exam question this fall.

Previously, all questions on the NREMT exam were multiple choice questions with only one correct answer. As explained in a video published by the NREMT on Tuesday, future exams will now include multiple response questions, which allow the test taker to select more than one correct answer for a single question.

“The benefit to adding multiple response item types is that we can offer higher fidelity. What that means is that we can more appropriately simulate the field,” says NREMT Associate Examinations Program Manager Matt Ozanich in the video. “For example, as a paramedic, as I’m coming up to a cardiac arrest, I’m often thinking three things now and two steps in advance. Multiple response items lend themselves to be able to test that thought process more efficiently than multiple choice, where we might be doing one thing at a time.”

Read more about multiple response exam items here and watch the video explainer from the NREMT below.