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Quiz: Test your knowledge of medical terminology

Show off the strength of your medical vocabulary with this 10-question quiz of medical terms every EMT should know

This quiz contains medical terms taken from the Instructional Guidelines that accompany the National EMS Education Standards. Each of the terms in this quiz are found within that document and are in the scope of an EMT to know.

How well do you know your EMT terms?

How did you do? Make sure to share your results and challenge your EMS colleagues to match or beat your score.

Do you have a favorite medical term that every EMT should know and use? Share the term in the comments. We might use it in another medical terminology quiz.

Meanwhile, improve your clinical acumen with these EMS1 articles and quizzes from Limmer Creative:


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Limmer Education’s mission is to help students pass the NREMT. We do this by using high quality, clinically accurate, and educationally sound products written by leading national educators.