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Annual EMS Index looks at performance on key issues

How is your agency faring on these important metrics?

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Colleagues of paramedics unload a gurney with patient from ambulance

ESO’s annual EMS Index distills key measures about major aspects of that from patient care data reported by ESO users.

Svitlana Hulko/Getty Images

Content provided by ESO

Data is a powerful asset to the EMS mission of preserving and improving Americans’ health, and that’s as true for populations as it is for individuals. ESO’s annual EMS Index distills key measures about major aspects of that from patient care data reported by ESO users.

This years’s EMS Index has now been released. Find it here.

Now in its fifth year, the 2024 ESO EMS Index is based on data from more than 12 million patient encounters across the nation that occurred in 2023. “With the insights gleaned from this Index,” the company notes, “the ESO research team hopes to give agencies benchmarks for refining their strategies toward improving patient outcomes in these areas.”

EMS Index 2024 cover.png

Download the Index for more.


This year’s Index examines the following metrics:

  • Analgesic administration for long-bone fractures.
  • Stroke bundles for patients with ED-diagnosed stroke.
  • Emergency intramuscular sedation.
  • Ambulance patient offload times.
  • Bystander CPR.
  • Critical incident reporting.
  • Opioid overdose.

Download the free EMS Index here. For more information, visit ESO.