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2016 EMS Trend Report: The forces shaping the present and future of EMS

EMS1 and Fitch & Associates take an in-depth look at EMS trends in the United States and set a foundation for assessing how the EMS profession is changing


By Jay Fitch and Greg Friese

As the EMS adage goes, “If you’ve seen one EMS system, you’ve seen one EMS system.” While that statement reflects the diversity of EMS systems across the United States, it also creates the false sense that every EMS system is entirely different and that EMS leaders can’t learn from each other.

Clearly that is not the case. As we see in the premiere edition of the EMS Trend Report, EMS systems across the country share many traits. On the other hand, significant differences do exist in everything from clinical care to salaries to operational benchmarks to hiring requirements.

In this special report, from Fitch & Associates in cooperation with EMS1 and the National EMS Management Association, see how your agency compares to others around the country. The issue also features analysis and reaction from EMS experts about the importance of performance measurement and paramedic degree requirements, as well as roundtable discussion about the most interesting findings of the EMS Trend Report, how those findings might be best applied and what we might expect to see in future years.

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