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Pulsara announces free COVID-19 management package

The package is free for EMS and healthcare organizations seeking to limit exposure through telemedicine and interfacility communication


Pulsara announced it is releasing a free COVID-19 management package for EMS and healthcare providers.


By Laura French

BOZEMAN, Mont. — Healthcare communications platform Pulsara has announced that it is releasing a COVID-19 management package that will be free of charge for EMS and healthcare organizations.

The platform seeks to facilitate remote communication between healthcare providers and facilities, as well as between providers and patients, to help organize responses during the pandemic and limit exposures to the disease.

“With confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 cases on the rise in the U.S., we know that many EMS and healthcare organizations are rapidly preparing for the management of this crisis within their communities,” Pulsara Founder and CEO Dr. James Woodson said in a press release. “Inter-organization communication has never been more important than it is right now.”

The company outlined five goals in its announcement that the management package seeks to help organizations achieve: mitigating patient surge, limiting transfers, limiting exposure to providers and other patients, limiting repeat exposure while conserving PPE, and communicating with patients in quarantine.

The package will allow EMS and other healthcare providers to leverage video telemedicine to evaluate patients and transport only those who need to visit the hospital, while also allowing providers to communicate with each other remotely through video and multimedia to coordinate and notify each other of potential cases.

“During a time where social distancing is necessary, clinicians need a way to simply and securely connect with each other,” Pulsara Chief Marketing Officer and Flight Paramedic Kris Kaull said. “Helping the medical community manage patient surge, preserve Personal Protective Equipment and limit exposure to protect our clinicians and their patients is at the forefront of our minds.”