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Firefighters Bookstore Adds Popular Titles to Growing Library

Huntington Beach, CA -- This week, the Firefighters Bookstore showcases some of it’s newest products. In his second practice-session companion to the best-selling DVD, The Art of Reading Smoke, Chief Dave Dodson presents eight real-world examples involving residential, commercial, and mixed-use structures to help hone your smoke-reading skills.

The Art of Reading Smoke, Volume 3 contains four rapid recognition drills and four full scenarios that give you the opportunity to read the smoke and discuss what the smoke is telling you. Then Chief Dodson walks you through the example, using the process he taught in the original DVD. The “reading smoke” process is an invaluable skill for any firefighter, from the probie on up.

The second product we’re featuring is the new Ten Commandments of Truck Company Operations, Full Day Seminar DVD. In this engaging six-hour seminar, internationally recognized authority John Mittendorf, covers the 10 precepts of truck company operations for all firefighters on the fireground.

Throughout this six-hour video, Chief Mittendorf lays out how to properly, efficiently, and safely manage the tasks and duties of a truck company. Based on his highly sought-after class, this video uses both classroom and hands-on practical sessions to illustrate and reinforce these vital truck company tasks.

For those Departments that are getting a visit from the ISO this year and are still trying to get their hands on a Department library, we have the books for you! Our Station Library service is ISO certified and is available for purchase.