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Top of mind: EMS trends, retirement benefits, emergent response

In this episode, our co-hosts tackle the top issues of the week, including the Trend Report, retirement benefits and the future of emergent response


In this episode of Inside EMS, co-hosts Chris Cebollero and Kelly Grayson discuss the importance of the 2022 EMS Trend Report and how every voice in EMS matters as to the future of our field.

“It is our responsibility to leave the profession better than we found it,” Cebollero said.

The conversation then transitions to retirement and how EMS proffessionals can take advantage of the retirement benefits at every agency they work.

Finally, our co-hosts discuss a recent position paper released by 13 industry groups regarding the use of lights and sirens by first responders. The document lays out the challenge of emergent response, who is being hurt, and gives 10 suggestions on how to change the culture.

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The Inside EMS podcast is a regular expert discussion of hot topics, clinical issues, operational and leadership lessons for EMTs, paramedics and chiefs