The EMS1 AEDs Automated External Defibrillators product category features information and product listings for researching AEDs, including defibrillators and data management solutions related to cardiac resuscitation..
Mark Russell hopes his story will inspire support for the Huntsville Hospital Foundation’s initiative, which aims to place 500 AEDs in Madison County schools, recreational facilities and sports venues
The HEARTS Act creates a grant program for schools to train students, staff and sports volunteers as well as purchase AEDs
Deprioritizing epinephrine in the order of interventions
Pace joined the company in 2003 as an intern and has since taken on various roles within the organization
Presentations included moderated posters describing the advances the company has made in developing new multimodal CPR technology
ZOLL’s donation of the National AED Registry to the Emergency AED Registry, hosted by PulsePoint, optimizes dispatch and citizen responder accessibility to AED locations