Mobile Data
The EMS1 Mobile Data product category is a collection of products and information for researching EMS mobile data equipment, covering a variety of mobile computers, communications, wireless handsets, field data software, dispatch equipment, mounting equipment, and other tools for managing data in the field.
Our co-hosts sit down with Buck Ferris, an organ donation training coordinator, who discusses the logistics of his post-EMS profession
This special episode of Inside EMS explores the shift from reactive to preventative strategies in emergency services and the crucial role of technology and health initiatives
The Un‑carrier delivers the best price for first responder and military families vs. AT&T and Verizon
Brian Webster, CEO of Kestra Medical Technologies, brings significant healthcare expertise to Pulsara’s Board of Directors
This year’s exercise simulated what it would take to help ensure mission-critical communication capabilities during a large-scale event with over 100,000 attendees, as well as during a cyber attack and a terrorist attack