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What part of paramedic training did you find most difficult?

A task that is hard for some paramedic students may be easier for others; here’s what our readers had to say


Photo/Cowley College

No matter if you’re on day one or a veteran paramedic, you’ll never forget your paramedic training experiences.

And a task that is hard for some paramedic students may be easier for others.

We asked our Facebook fans what part of paramedic training they found most difficult. Some said they had a difficult time learning how to study and take tests, being confident in themselves, intravenous access training and developing patient rapport.

What did you find difficult? Sound off in the comment section below.

1. “Everyone was so concentrated on the skills, and the almighty cardiology, that we failed to really study the stuff we see more often. Pulmonology, endocrinology, and to an extent neurology weren’t explained as much in detail, which lead to difficulties in putting it all together later in school. I felt it important to understand how all the systems were tightly integrated.” — Scott Owens

2. “Getting the right calls to complete the course requirements.” — Phil Salamone

3. “Learning the national curriculum and being restricted to state protocols. Having a knowledge base and skill set that you are unable to use is tough. My instructor gave a lecture at the end of the program called “living in a world of grey.” It was phenomenal and truly represents the unpredictable reality in which we live. No matter how much training we go through during a paramedic program, we can never be fully prepared for everything we will encounter.” — Adam O’Neil

4. “For me, after being out of school for almost 15 years and learning how to study, take tests, and manage my time with a full-time and part-time job, husband, kids, house, extended family … it was chaotic. But, I was a late bloomer and was an EMT for quite a while before the timing was right for me to go through medic class. Passed everything the first time, so I must have done something right.” — Nicole Nixon Butler

5. “Being confident in yourself, especially being such a young paramedic. I’ve only been out of school for five months now, and have been struggling until recently to have confidence in my skills and knowledge that I am capable of doing this job.” — Mark Sinnwell

6. “IV training was very difficult for me. Going from a basic where you cannot do any advanced procedures to IV was a giant step. Preceptors for me, also. Trying to find one or two that I cliqued with.” — Joel Parks Jr.

7. “The point about two-thirds through the program where I realized, if I knew then (before starting the paramedic program) what I know now, then I would have never started. But I have come too far to quit now.” — Patrick Gomer Roberson

8. “Pathophysiology, developing patient rapport, looking at the whole picture and understanding that equipment/drugs are just tools in your bag.” — Chris Sheldrew

9. “Being an EMT for seven years and then taking on medic school, doing a proper assessment on a rescue randy and verbalize everything was tough.” — Chris Marchese

10. “Putting in the time and dedicating myself to finish. It was tough. With the support of my wife and family, I was able to pull it off.” — Dennis Martin

11. “The first solo shift as a paramedic. That the first real day of training.” — John Shady

12. “Remembering all the different drugs, what they do and their doses and contraindications.” — Warren Glass

13. “Pathophysiology had to be the hardest part for me.” — Fernando de Leon

14. “Pediatric IVs and dosages.” — Tony Ippolito

15. “Bedside manner.” — Greg Hogancamp

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