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Dave Konig

The Social Medic

Dave is a New York City based EMS provider working in the field since 1994. He has worked in the private sector, as a 911 provider, and as a volunteer. Since 2005 he has been involved in Social Media aspects through the current major services as well as some defunct ones. He blogs about EMS, Social Media, and Event Medical Services at and maintains for other writings including updates on the books he authors.

Paramedic chiefs and EMS leaders need to set shift length based on call demand, available personnel, equipment supply and time on task
Without a standard, objective-based assessment of patient sobriety levels, situations may arise that test the limits of EMS personnel
Carry a small personal aid kit with you at all times to treat the aches, cuts and scrapes you are most likely to experience yourself or need to treat in friends and family
Here are the minimum equipment guidelines for medical personnel providing care at concerts, sporting events and mass gatherings
EMS providers need to prepare for the public attention and scrutiny of providing event medical services so they can focus on the needs of the patient
Augmented reality, with heads-up display devices and conductive swath devices, has the potential to improve patient assessment and care
Follow these scheduling practices to improve provider morale, patient care and operational efficiency
Maximize efficiency gains from an online scheduling application by making sure software has these capabilities
It’s important that we communicate directly the value our service provides to our communities
Twitter hashtags can be extremely useful for communicating with the public during emergencies