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Top EMS videos of January 2017

The top videos of January included clips educational tips on piercings and airway management, community paramedicine programs and how bystanders can remember CPR through hip-hop

By EMS1 Staff

January’s top EMS videos included a range of educational videos. Steve Whitehead explains how to handle piercings and airway management, and Austin EMS launches their new series to explain what EMS providers do on a regular basis. A hip-hop bystander CPR video also teaches the public how they can remember to recognize cardiac arrest and administer CPR. Also included in this month is a cringe-worthy compilation of last year’s worst red light crashes.

1. Red light runners: Worst of 2016
This video features some of the worst clips of drivers running red lights in 2016.

2. Remember 2 Things: Piercings and airway management
Steve Whitehead, host of Remember 2 Things, breaks down two things to think about when you encounter a patient with piercings in their airway while you’re trying to manage it.

3. Hip-hop bystander CPR instruction
Learn how to recognize the signs of sudden cardiac arrest and to administer CPR in less than 5 minutes.

4. Community Paramedic program explained
Hear how a community paramedicine pilot program in California is allowing paramedics to go beyond traditional emergency response and transport roles to facilitate more appropriate use of emergency services while enhancing access to primary care for medically underserved populations.

5. Texas EMS launches ‘What to do when’ PSA video series
The series is intended to inform the public about the actions that take place behind the scenes