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Baltimore first responders to receive stipend during COVID-19 crisis

Firefighters, EMS providers and police officers will receive an additional $200 biweekly for their work during the pandemic


The city of Baltimore is offering a stipend of $200 biweekly to first responders working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Photo/Elvert Barnes, Flickr Creative Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0

Talia Richman
The Baltimore Sun

BALTIMORE — Baltimore will provide some employees at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic with a $200 biweekly stipend, Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young announced Wednesday.

“It is critical that we provide any relief we can to our front line employees to ease burdens at home while they continue to go to work on behalf of the city and its residents,” Young said in a statement.

The stipend will go into effect Monday, and will show up on employees’ first scheduled payroll checks. Firefighters, EMTs and police officers will each receive $200, while other employees deemed “mission critical” will get an additional $100 biweekly.

Young, a Democrat, last week put the city under a state of emergency. Since then, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the city has increased tenfold.


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