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NEMSMA objects to state-level accreditation option in NREMT resolution

“The NREMT should reconsider its currently proposed position that creates a new ‘back door’ option for state-level accreditation,” NEMSMA said


By Leila Merrill

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The National EMS Management Association recently objected to the state-level accreditation option in the NREMT Resolution 22-13.

“While we understand and appreciate the balance that the NREMT board must consider between a wide variety of stakeholders, we feel strongly that the NREMT should reconsider its currently proposed position that creates a new ‘back door’ option for state-level accreditation,” NEMSMA said in a recent statement.

In the resolution, NREMT proposes expanding eligibility requirements. Public comments on it can be made through Aug. 17 here.

NEMSMA’s statement reads, in part:

Third-party accreditation, through CAAHEP or otherwise, is a key factor in establishing competence and credibility in the delivery of paramedic education at the college level. As NEMSMA strongly supports an associate degree requirement for paramedics we would not recommend removing or diluting current accreditation requirements for paramedic level programs. We also join with many of our partner associations in reminding the Registry that significant effort has been expended over decades to conform our current paramedic level education system with published national agendas and best practices in healthcare education and certification. Reversing this progress, for real or perceived concerns by some states, educational programs, or employers would be, in our opinion, unwise and counter-productive to the overall standard we have already achieved.”

View NEMSMA’s full statement here.