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The magic of partnerships

“No matter what happens I will have your back and this patient is going to be OK”


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In this episode of Medic Mindset podcast, Host Ginger Locke is back with two guests. These two guests are partners: a flight medic and a flight nurse.

They dig into their relationship in a way that will make the listener think about their own role as a partner.

We also have a chance to hear the flight medic reflect on a near-miss with a medication error, what he wished he had learned more about in paramedic school, why he isn’t a firefighter and a wide range of other topics. The listener will quickly hear what Locke heard: These two partners are the perfect yin-yang. She’s spirited and animated. He’s calm and steady. Together, they have each other’s backs.


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Prevent EMS medication errors with checklists and job aids

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The Medic Mindset podcast is created and hosted by Ginger Locke, BA, NRP. As an associate professor of EMS Professions at Austin (TX) Community College, she has immersed herself in the art and science of how medics think and perform. In interviews with medics and subject-matter experts, she thoughtfully explores the inner-workings of the minds of medics. Prior to becoming a paramedic, she studied social psychology at the University of Georgia and the University of Leicester, UK. Her professional endeavors revolve around the conviction that the most important and complicated tool in EMS in the brain of the medic.