By EMS1 Staff
The top videos of February included a variety of educational tips for EMS providers. Clips discussed how to conduct accurate glucometer readings, conducting effective intubations and what PPE EMS providers aren’t using enough.
1. Remember 2 Things: Accurate glucometer readings
How confident are you that your glucometer reading is accurate? Steve Whitehead, host of Remember 2 Things, provides information on making sure you’re getting the most accurate number possible.
2. Reality Training: Emergency response and law enforcement
Chief Wylie gives advice about emergency response safety when dealing with law enforcement officers that have been involved in a motor vehicle crash.
3. Remember 2 Things: Two pieces of PPE you’re not using enough
Steve Whitehead, host of Remember 2 Things, explains why eye and ear protection should be used on every single call.
4. Intubations: How to do more good than harm
Watch this video from EMS1 Academy that discusses intubation and airway management, and provides a quick intubation tip.
5. Capnography: Ignorance and education
What is capnography? How is it used in the field? Bob Page discusses these questions as well as the education needed to combat the ignorance of bringing this extremely valuable tool into the pre-hospital environment.