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Quiz: Burn classification and treatment

Test your knowledge on the various types of burns you may encounter and how to manage them


With a burn severe enough to require medical treatment occurring every 60 seconds in the U.S., you are likely to encounter burned patients with some regularity.

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There are multiple characteristics used in the classification of burns. The three most common characteristics used are cause, depth and extent of the burn. Burns are classified as either inhalation or thermal (i.e., scalds, contact, flame, chemical or electrical).

With a burn severe enough to require medical treatment occurring every 60 seconds in the U.S., you are likely to encounter burned patients with some regularity.

Read How burn patient treatment and destination are affected by severity and test your knowledge on burn injuries and treatment by taking the quiz below.

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Next up: Quiz: Cushing’s Triad and increased intracranial pressure – Test your knowledge on Cushing’s Reflex, which signals a risk for brain herniation

David Wright, MS, PA-C, NREMT-P, is a physician assistant at Washington University in St. Louis working in the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine. He is a former paramedic who has worked in a busy 911 response service, hospital emergency rooms, and as a flight paramedic. He also currently holds certifications as a Nationally Registered Paramedic, TEMS, EMS Instructor, Clinical Simulation Instructor, Firefighter I & II and Hazmat Operations. His passions include EMS education, clinical simulation and furthering the EMS profession.