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IAEMSC calls on EMS systems to adopt prehospital blood transfusion programs

The IAEMSC position cites numerous studies highlighting the advantages of prehospital administration of blood and blood products



By Bill Carey

WASHINGTON — The International Association of EMS Chiefs (IAEMSC) released a statement in support of prehospital blood transfusion, urging all EMS systems across the United States to explore new methods and adopt innovative practices that improve patient outcomes.

The statement cited numerous studies that highlighted the potential advantages of prehospital blood transfusion, emphasizing its capacity to increase survival rates and decrease the risk of in-hospital complications.

The rationale for using blood and plasma lies in their capacity to perform vital functions that crystalloids cannot, such as carrying oxygen, ensuring coagulation and maintaining the osmotic balance.

The IAEMSC drew attention to the successful experiences of military and civilian EMS paramedic systems with blood transfusion programs. The statement underscored the paramedics’ ability to safely, swiftly and independently administer blood products via transfusion, even without on-scene physician oversight or involvement.

The IAEMSC calls on EMS services; medical directors; EMS regulatory agencies; healthcare systems; trauma systems; blood banks; and all Americans to support the rapid, reasonable, and regional implementation of prehospital paramedic blood product transfusion programs in the United States.



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